Office of the company secretariat
Notice is hereby given that the 47TH Annual General Meeting of the members of the Black Management Forum (NPC) will be held on Saturday 11th May 2024 at 09:00 at the Henley Business School, 1 Witkoppen Road, Paulshof. The following business will be transacted with or without modification:
1.To receive the notice convening the meeting.
- To confirm the minutes of the previous AGM which was held on 15 April 2023
- To receive and adopt the Annual Report of the Board.
- To receive and approve the audited Annual Financial Statements duly audited by MrwebiAccountants and Auditors, Accountants for the year ended 31 May 2023.
- To appoint Auditors for the ensuing year in terms of the Companies Act (Act No. 71 of 2008).
- To receive and adopt the Memorandum of Incorporation proposed amendments if any.
- To consider, and if deemed fit, to pass with or without modification AGM Resolutions.
- Any other business
- Closure
- Note: Only members in good standing will be allowed to participate in the meeting.
In accordance with section 15.1.6 of the BMF Memorandum of Incorporation, the quorum for the AGM shall be 50% of delegates present in person. Members are urged to make every effort to attend the AGM so that issues affecting the objectives of the organization may be effectively discussed by as many Members as possible.
Kindly note that meeting participants may be required to provide reasonably satisfactory identification before being entitled to attend or participate in the meeting. Forms of identification include valid identity documents, driver’s licenses, and passports.
The AGM will be simultaneously held in person and online; members will receive the meeting link closer to the date of the AGM. Members will need to register to access the meeting link beforehand.
Any member who does not observe behavior that is in line with BMF values during the meeting will be removed.
We confirm that the online facility employed herein enables all persons participating in the meeting to communicate concurrently with each other without an intermediary and will be able to participate effectively in the meeting.